How Salmon Supports Students’ Well-being: Study  

It’s known to all that as the largest exporter of sustainably farmed salmon in the world, Norway continues to be set apart as a leader in the production and supply of blue food. The Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC), a key partner and approval authority for the country’s aquaculture industry, supports Norway’s trade operations and educates on the nature and benefits of Norwegian salmon.
So, what’s so great about this pink fish that everyone is so fond of? 

In a press release, the brand shed light on the role of Norwegian salmon as a nutrient-rich dietary ally that supports healthy cognitive development in students.

As the first few days of the back-to-school season are underway, eating healthy is another focus area for parents for their school-going children. 

Did you know that Norwegian salmon is an essential part of a well-balanced diet, with recorded improvements in concentration, energy levels, and immunity for school-going children? 

If a study is anything to go by, the pink fish – raised in and farmed from Norway’s clear, cold fjords – possesses significant health benefits, many of which are especially important for children and young adults. 

According to the NSC,  rich in proteins, antioxidants, omega-3 oils, and vitamins A, D, and B12, Norwegian salmon is an accessible protein that can be eaten raw, fried, boiled, cooked, or smoked and supports a student’s overall well-being, says the latest press release. 

The Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC) educates on the nature and benefits of Norwegian salmon, the release states.

In a study shared in 2020, the NSC found that an alarmingly low rate of children between the ages of 8 and 19 were consuming enough fish, according to national dietary guidelines – only two in every ten were getting their weekly two-to-three portions. This trend wasn’t isolated to Norway, either, but was observed throughout Western countries across Europe. Since discovering the disparity, the NSC has overseen awareness campaigns to drive healthy fish consumption and continues to urge parents to take control of their children’s health, added the release. 

The council emphasises the importance of receiving the vital nutrients that are needed for timely cognitive development and optimal brain function in students, sharing that every seven out of 10 kids reported that they would eat more fish if they were served dishes that they like – such as pan-fried salmon, sushi, and fish cakes. 

This is, indeed, some food for thought. Isn’t it? 

Photo: The Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC)
September 2023
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