Dubai Private Schools Rank in Top 14 Globally for Maths, Science and Reading

Dubai’s private schools ranked ninth globally in mathematics with a mean score of 497, according to the PISA 2022 study Dubai schools ranked 13 globally in reading with a mean score of 498, and 14th in science, with a mean score of 503 points.

In yet another achievement, for the first time ever, Dubai private schools have ranked among the Top 14 in the world in mathematics, science and reading in the most recent cycle of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), exceeding the National Agenda target of the top 20, according to the KHDA website.


Conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) every three years, PISA measures 15-year-olds’ ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges.


The emirate’s private schools ranked ninth globally in mathematics with a mean score of 497, exceeding the OECD average by 25 points. Dubai schools also ranked 13 globally in reading with a mean score of 498, and 14th in science, with a mean score of 503 points.

Around 9250 students from 171 schools offering eight different curricula took part in the PISA 2022 study.

Photo by Kim Wendt, The Sheikh Zayed Academy / Rosan Bosch Studio


Earlier in 2023, this year KHDA announced the biggest ever year-on-year increase in school student enrolment in Dubai wherein the rate of enrolment growth entered double digits in the 2023/24 academic year, registering at 12%.

Since KHDA was established in 2007, the number of students has doubled, and the number of schools has increased significantly.


December 2023

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