Biblo Tøyen Library: the Entrance is not Allowed Even if You Are a Crown Prince of Norway

Deichman Biblo Tøyen Youth Library in Oslo was designed exclusively for children that are between 10 to 15 years old. The idea was to create a place that would speak to the teenager audience in different ways, shapes, colors and forms, inspire them them to interact, learn and discover. Library design is based on the close collaboration of designers and library specialists with an architectural psychologist, also children were asked what they really wanted in the space. And as a result Biblo Tøyen has a stunning theatre like environment with vintage furniture and special rules: for e.g. no adults allowed in the space after the opening.

We talked with the Biblo Tøyen Youth Library’s director Reinert Mithassel: watch the video in English with Russian subtitles: 




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