Top 5: EdDesign 2023 Most Read Texts

As 2023 comes to a close, we reflect on the year by sharing the articles that resonated most with our readers. Here are the top five pieces covering schools, education, trends, and opportunities in educational architecture.


1. Student interest in non-traditional courses sees 61% increase


The text notes a 61% increase in non-traditional course interest from the IC3 Institute’s global survey covering 8,000+ students in 98 countries. It emphasizes changing education preferences and parental influence on college decisions. The findings reveal a crucial gap, with only 35% of parents engaging with counselors. The IC3 Movement’s conference aimed to discuss ways of involving parents in school-based counseling.


Photo: IC3 Institute

2. The Future of School Buildings: 7 Key Trends


Architects and educators globally are navigating the challenges stemming from the pandemic. The discussion about the future of school buildings and the curriculum is taking place all over the world. We report on the 7 key trends. 


Photo: Technical infrastructure provides a flexible environment. Danila Gorunkov, Moscow private school “Snegiri”

3. Green School in South Africa


EdDesign visited the Green School, located in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Every aspect of the school is conceived and executed in a manner that makes it genuinely green, beyond its name: eco-friendly bricks, a waste accumulation and disposal system, a temperature-regulated floor, and furniture crafted from local wood. Not only is the school building environmentally friendly, but the management of the Green School South Africa also integrates environmental care into the curriculum. 


Photo: Green School South Africa 

4. Beyond the Classroom: Meet Agora, the School that Has no Rules


EdDesign talked with Rob Houben, an educational leader and changemaker, who spearheaded a personalized education revolution in 2015 at Agora, a startup secondary school in the Netherlands – in the face of a shift away from uniform education models. Acknowledging the uniqueness of each learner, Houben and his team transformed the traditional school, eliminating classrooms, timetables, and curriculums. Instead, students take control of their learning. This innovative approach prioritizes individualized learning over traditional teaching methods.


Photo: Agora School

5. Architecture Against Bullying: 13 Ideas to Reduce Bullying at School — EdDesign


Bullying is a prevalent issue in schools, affecting approximately one-third of students. This presents a challenge not just to psychologists and educators but also to those involved in shaping educational environments. A passive safety measure involves creating spaces devoid of opportunities for aggression. EdDesign selected 13 anti-bullying solutions for schools, exploring their potential in mitigating the risk of bullying.


Photo: Wunderpark International School 

Photo on the main page: pexels.


December 2023

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